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Blind Legend

Blind Legend is a 'Video-less' 3D games, currently being developed mainly for blind or visually impaired players. "Video-less" games use a production technique known as binaural recording, to construct an immersive, audio-only world.

The technique involves fitting a dummy with tiny condenser microphones that mimic the way our ears naturally hear sound. Each scene in the game is recorded using this method and the result is a more realistic, three-dimensional experience.

As there are no graphics players must rely on their aural senses to navigate through levels.

Blind Legend follows the story of a knight, who has lost his eyesight and journeys through a forest to free his wife from her violent kidnappers.The intuitive game-play makes it completely immersive. The main character's movements are controlled using a touch screen, so players move their feet or their sword through simple swiping motions on their phone. The screen remains dark at all times.

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