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Looking after the trends in Mobile App development in 2016.

Challenges Ahead

Innovation in application design and development has been the key for business success over the years as changes has mostly been driven by new gadgets like Google Glass, Apple Watch, fitness trackers, Android Wear and other wearables, along with the idea of the Internet of Things and cloud technologies. Hence it is imperative for developers to analyze the challenges that lie ahead.

Coding will define app development

Apple’s new language ‘Swift’ is changing the digital landscape as an application as well as a system language. It is built on a progressive compiler infrastructure that provides developers with a tool to create more reliable and qualified code from the initial start. Swift was downloaded 11 million times since during the first month of its release and the popularity only continues to grow while the aim is to make it an open source. Swift was not being designed to replace the Objective C, but trends suggest that it will do so at a fast pace. Be set faster. Even though at its nascent stage, developers are trying to implement it in iOS, OS X, watchOS, and tvOS in the nearest future.

Enterprise apps are more remunerative for developers

Increasing sales of mobile devices the world over is driving the demand for suitable applications. With more than 1.5 million apps in Google Play Store or Apple’s App Store, most of them are directed towards improving the performance of enterprises. The logic behind this is simple as businesses are capable of paying more for a tool that drives revenue. It is expected that, going forward more than 35% of large enterprises will develop their own mobile app development platform which is like to result in mobile app demand outgrowing the capacity of IT companies to deliver.

Cross-platform tools will take the pole positions in the race

It remains no longer comfortable to be restricted to usage of a single platform. Majority of the devices with advanced functionality now a days requires the support of multiple platform and as such cross-platforms will fuel the growth of cloud computing. Cross-platform tools such as Sencha, PhoneGap, Appcelerator Titanium, Unity3D, Cocos2d, Qt, Corona already exists.

The main advantage of cross-platform being the ability to perform on a common language coupled with the ease of app maintenance. It allows developers the benefit to design native apps with added features and better functionality while creating a user friendly interface for fast pace development and looping.

It further helps in reducing cost because of the work flow that allows only one team of developers who share a common set of knowledge to work.

IoT scales to the next level

Considered as the system of systems, IoT has endless possibilities as it is expected that by 2020, more than 5 billion people and 50 billion things will be connected to each other, while IoT product and service suppliers are expected to earn revenue of over $300 billion. The global IoT market is projected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 32% by 2019 and as such the opportunity for developers will also scale up. From vehicles to appliances and from mobile to wearables, everything will require controlled operation with suitable application. There is a paradigm shift in digital technologies among large enterprises in adopting IoT.

Compliance, safety and security

Compliance to standards, safety and security still remains the area of concern since the birth of internet. It is imperative that people will pay special attention to safety of data as information on bank data and SSN, on personal life and content can be accessed by hackers. A recent report from Gartner indicates that 3 out of every 4 applications are likely to fail basic security requirements and the trend will continue for the years to come. For example with Apple, the iOS 9 platform has features with high-end security protocols that developers are able to fit without compromising the moral principle of the platform. Same is the case with Android as their security protocols for Android 6.0 Marshmallow are even granular. Hence the challenge for developers will be to avert any security gaps and informational leaks while placing their order in an App store.

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