Sony, Japan

Sony Corporation , a Japanese multinational conglomerate is the third biggest producer of a variety of television set series . From analog TVs to LCD displays , and the latest high definition cinematic TV systems- LED HDTV , Sony has maintained quality with quantity . The analog TVs produced under name 'Trinitron' were barred from production only to launch a new range of LCD TVs , which were further evolved to give the latest innovative Sony BRAVIA series that gives a high definition visual with amplified acoustic environs .In 2007 , the company produced the world's first organic led TV popularly known as OLED( equipped with Organic Light Emitting Diodes) , with appreciable slimness and better gamut of colors and vision . The company also manufactured the first ever HDTV powered by google , followed by a series of internet TVs , 3D TVs aided by blu-ray recorders in a wide range of resolution , screen sizes and prices.

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