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  • Phobos

    One of the two moons of the planet Mars. Of all the known moons in the solar system, the moon Phobos orbits closest to its primary, hovering only a few thousand miles above the surface. Its proximity to its planet is one of the reasons astronomers were unable to see the satellite until the late ...

    Astronomy; Moon
  • Nanedi Valles

    A large valley of Mars with a length of 508 km and 4 km width.

    Astronomy; General astronomy
  • Deimos

    The smaller of Mars' two moons. Being only 15 by 12 by 11 km in size, Deimos whirls around Mars every 30 hours.

    Astronomy; Moon
  • Olympe de Gouge

    A butcher's daughter, proved to be one of the most outspoken and articulate women revolutionaries. In 1791 she wrote the following declaration, directly challenging the inferiority presumed of women by the Declaration of the Rights of Man. She was quickly arrested, tried, and on November 3, 1793, ...

    People; Personalities
  • Marquis de Bonchamps

    A French politician and leader of the Vendéan insurrection of Royalists against the Republic during the French Revolution.

    People; Personalities
  • Jacques Cathelineau

    One of the leaders of the great royalist counterrevolution in the Vendee region of France. When the revolution broke out and the First Republic was established Cathelineau rallied a small, ragged army of peasants and waged a guerrilla war against the revolutionaries.

    People; Personalities
  • Pierre Victurnien Vergniaud

    A French revolutionary and a brilliant lawyer, he gained attention (1790) when defending peasants who had burned a castle. Elected a deputy to the legislative assembly from the Gironde, he was a leader of the Girondists and was one of the greatest orators of the French Revolution.

    People; Personalities
  • Louis XVI

    The last king of France (1774–92) in the line of Bourbon monarchs preceding the French Revolution of 1789. The monarchy was abolished on Sept. 21, 1792; later Louis and his queen consort, Marie-Antoinette, were guillotined on charges of counterrevolution.

    People; Personalities
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