

My native language:

Portuguese (PT)

Other Languages:

English (EN)

  • sociolinguistic competence

    Competence which may be included in pragmatic and that adds knowledge of the conventions of language, of adequate records, the dialects and the ability to interpret cultural references. Is a sub-competence of communicative competence.

    Language; Language learning
  • strategic competence

    Ability to activate mechanisms to solve communication problems (communication strategies), and make learning easier and have more success (learning strategies). Is a sub-competence of communicative competence.

    Language; Language learning
  • discursive competence

    Ability to relate sentences to produce coherent messages in the various types of text (narration, description, essay) and oral interventions. Is also known for textual competence. Is a sub-competence of communicative competence.

    Language; Language learning
  • pragmatic competence

    Capability that enables the relationship between the linguistic elements, the context and the users, that is, the ability to adapt to the situation, cooperating on communication, reacting in a natural way, controlling the speech and taking into account the theme, communicative intentions, the ...

    Language; Language learning
  • linguistic competence

    Knowledge and ability to use grammar, lexicon, the pronunciation and the spelling, with a view to understanding and expression. Is a sub-competence of communicative competence.

    Language; Language learning
  • communicative competencie

    Ability to interact linguistically in an appropriate manner in different communication situations, both oral and written. This competence encompasses the linguistic, pragmatic sub-competencies, socio-linguistics, discourse and strategy. The performance of communicative competence is the main ...

    Language; Language learning
  • River

    Um rio é um curso natural de água, normalmente água doce, fluindo em direcção a um oceano, lago, mar ou outro rio.

    Natural environment; Water
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