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  • Viserys Targaryen

    The exiled prince and heir of the Targaryen dynasty. In a bid to reclaim his throne he sells his sister in marriage to Khal Drogo. He is arrogant, selfish, and petty with little ability to lead.

  • Robert Baratheon

    Named King of the Seven Kingdoms after the fall of Aerys II he is married to Cersi Lannister. He was betrothed to Ned Stark's sister Lyanna and loves her still. Since becoming king and losing Lyanna he has become a drunk and womanizer leaving the ruling of the kingdom to his Small Council.

  • Eddard Stark

    Known as "Ned", he is Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North. He reluctantly becomes the Hand of the King after Lord Jon Arryn's death. He led the rebellion against King Aerys II after his sister was kidnapped by the Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and his brother and father burned alive by the ...

  • Catelyn Stark

    Born Catelyn Tully she is betrothed to Brandon Stark, but upon his death marries Eddard Stark. She bears him five children, two daughters and three sons.

  • Robb Stark

    The eldest son and child of Eddard and Catelyn Stark, he is the heir to Winterfell. When his father is imprisoned after the death of King Robert Baratheon, he marches south at the head of his banner men. His direwolf is named Grey Wind.

  • Robb Stark

    Robb Stark

  • Joffrey Baratheon

    The Crown Prince of the Seven Kingdoms and heir to the Iron Throne. He is cruel and juvenile, seeking petty justice after his father dies. He is a puppet king serving only his own pleasures.

  • Arya Stark

    The second daughter, and third child of Eddard and Catelyn Stark. She is fearless and spirited, failing at her lessons to become a lady. Her direwolf is named Nymeria.

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