Home > Blossary: Names of God
The names of God express the nature and function of who He is, indicating his purpose in our lives. In the Holy Bible God has names that He uses to call Himself, people in the bible also call Him by His characteristics and His function in their lives, with the use of the following acclamations: "He is", "His name is", "He is a", "He is my".

Category: Religion

10 Terms

Created by: tula.ndex

Number of Blossarys: 51

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God Almighty is the name that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob all used to refer to God, and not Lord. Genesis 35:11 God talking to Abraham refers to Himself in this way: "I am God Almighty..." and again in Genesis 17:1 before the changing of Abraham's name from Abram, God speaks to Abram saying " I Am God Almighty; walk before me and be blameless." In this case God names Himself as Almighty, as it is said assuring Abraham of His great power. The Hebrew translation is El Shaddai, referring to Himself twice as "El" means God and Shaddai meaning one who provides, and is all sufficient, and is mighty to protect. Matthew 16:15 Jesus asks His disciples "But who do you say I AM?" Even in His question to the disciples, He reveals who He is: "I AM".

Domain: Religion; Category: Christian theology

Jméno Abrahama, Izáka a Jákoba lze odkazovat k Bohu a ne pán je Bůh všemohoucí. Genesis 35:11 Bůh s Abrahamem odkazuje na sebe tímto způsobem: "Já jsem Bůh všemohoucí..." a znovu v Genesis 17:1 před změnou je Abraham jméno z Abram, Bůh mluví k Abramovi říká, "I Am Bůh všemohoucí; Jděte přede mnou a být bez viny." v tomto případě Bůh pojmenuje sám jako všemohoucí, jak se říká, zajištění Abraham jeho velkou sílu. El Shaddai, odkazující na sebe dvakrát jako "El" znamená Bůh a Shaddai znamená člověk, který poskytuje a to stačí a je mocná ochrana je hebrejský překlad. Matthew 16:15 Ježíše ptá jeho učedníci "ale kdo si říkáte, že já jsem?" I v jeho otázku k učedníkům, prozrazuje, kdo to je: "I AM".

Domain: Religion; Category: Christian theology

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