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  • 9: nine

    9 refers to judgement, completeness from God, the fruit of the Spirit. 9 also refers to natural processes: as we all know, it takes 9 months for a a child to grow in the mothers womb. It signifies 3 perfect manefestations of 3 plans (3x3): body/matter, spirit, and soul; making 9 understandably the ...

    Religion; Christian theology
  • 8: eight

    8 refers to new beginings, rebirth, and ressurection. As` 7 is an ending to something, then 7+1=8: right after the end of one thing is the beginning of something new. There are 8 resurrections in the bible. In the Old Testament 8 days after the birth of a child, he/she was to be circumcised. There ...

    Religion; Christian theology
  • 7: seven

    As on the of the most significant numbers in the bible, seven represents spiritual completeness, fathers perfection, and the resurrection. It is used in the bible describing the covenant between God and man. It is a number that is well used in chemestry, physics, music, and alot more; where the ...

    Religion; Christian theology
  • 6: six

    6 is the only number the represents man. It symbolises the imperfections, labour, and weakness of man, as well as sin. Man was even created on the 6th day. The creation of the world wasnt complete until God took the seventh day to rest, implying that six days wasnt quite enough. There are, ...

    Religion; Christian theology
  • 5: five

    Five finger, five senses, and five senses. Not that simple. God's glace is represented by the number 5. It is this way because man's weakness is seen in the number 4, and when man stands with the One true God, it makes 5. 4+1=5 - Gods Grace.

    Religion; Christian theology
  • 4: four

    4 is a number of completion, creation, and the world. It is often used in relation to God's creation. There are 4 regions of eart: North, East, South, West, as there are 4 divisions of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, and night, as well as 4 season of the year: summer, autumn, winter, spring. ...

    Religion; Christian theology
  • 3: three

    Signifying the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), 3 is the number of divine completeness and perfection. It also means growth and increase. In the bible, Jesus Christ asks Peter "Do you love me?" 3 times, covering the three levels of the mind: subconscious, superconscious, and the concious ...

    Religion; Christian theology
  • 2: two

    As the number one means unity, two would be division. It may imply both rise and fall, and two things are abound to occur. Just as there were two trees in the garden of Eden to choose from, Tree of life and Knowledge of good and evil, and the one that was not to be touched, was touched. It has been ...

    Religion; Christian theology
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