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  • Cheddar

    It is probably the most consumed cheese in the world, Cheddar originated from Somerset around the late 12th Century and took its name from the Gorge or caves in the town of Cheddar that were used to store the cheese. The constant temperature and humidity of the caves provided a perfect environment ...

    Dairy products; Cheese
  • Cabot Clothbond

    Cabot Clothbound is a special batch of Cabot Creamery cheddar aged by Jasper Hill Farm at their special calibrated vault cellars. The cheese is aged for 10-15 months, during when it is constantly brushed, turned, and monitored for quality. Clothbound is traditional natural-rind, bandaged cheddar ...

    Dairy products; Cheese
  • Cantal

    Cantal AOC is one of the oldest cheeses in France dating to the times of the Gaul's rule. It received an Appellation d'Origine (AOC) status from the administrative region of Cantal in the Auvergne region in 1956. This has ensured that the semi-hard, uncooked, pressed cheese has the features and ...

    Dairy products; Cheese
  • Double Gloucester

    Double Gloucester is a traditional, full fat, hard cheese made from pasteurized or unpasteurized cows' milk. The cheese, made from the milk of once nearly extinct Old Gloucester cows, traces its origins to 1498 in the City of Gloucester. Gloucester comes in both single and double varieties. While ...

    Dairy products; Cheese
  • Balfour

    New Balfour is a sheep's milk cheese from New Zealand made by the Gibbston Valley Cheese Company. It is hard-pressed style of cheese characterized by a crumbly and grainy texture with sweet flavour and nutty overtones of Southland sheep milk. The Balfour is similar to a young Italian Pecorino ...

    Dairy products; Cheese
  • Avonlea Clothbound Cheddar

    Avonlea Clothbound Cheddar is an unpasteurized cow's milk cheese that has its roots in the Scottish Orkney Islands. Today, it is produced on small local farms in the lush countryside of Prince Edward Island (P.E.I), off the coast of Canada. The cheese was brought to Canada by cheesemaker ...

    Dairy products; Cheese
  • Aged Gouda

    Gouda, or "How-da" as the locals say, is a Dutch cheese named after the city of Gouda in the Netherlands. If truth be told, it is one of the most popular cheeses in the world, accounting for 50 to 60 percent of the world's cheese consumption. There are several types of Gouda, ...

    Dairy products; Cheese
  • Derby Cheese

    Like most of the traditional British hard cheeses Derby was produced exclusively on farms and was typically sold at a younger age than its more famous cousins Cheddar and Cheshire. Its claim to fame is that the first creamery in the UK was set up by a group of farmers in the village of Longford in ...

    Dairy products; Cheese
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