
mind over matter. If you don't mind, then it ...




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  • Herz

    Herz ist eine Pumpe-vier Pumpen, in der Tat. Blut aus allen Teilen des Körpers sammelt sich in Venen und fließt in den rechten Vorhof und der rechten Herzkammer, die zwei Pumpen, die das Blut in die Lungen senden. Blut fließt durch die Lunge, wo es wird Kohlendioxid gereinigt und nimmt ...

    Anatomy; Cardiovascular
  • jantung

    Sebenarnya jantung adalah pompa empat bagian. Darah dari semua bagian tubuh mengumpulkan dalam vena dan mengalir ke kanan atrium dan ventrikel kanan, pompa dua mengirim darah ke paru-paru. Darah melewati paru-paru, yang disucikan karbon dioksida dan mengambil oksigen menopang kehidupan. Darah ...

    Anatomy; Cardiovascular
  • Liar Liar

    One of Jim Carrey's old classic movie, which features him not being able to lie for 24 hours. In a scene where his character literally beats himself up in the restroom, no sound effects were used; those are really the sounds of Jim Carrey's head slamming into the urinal, floor and walls, ...

    Entertainment; Movies
  • Terminator 2: Judgement Day

    Terminator 2: Judgement Day is widely considered to be the best Terminator movie of all time. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who played the main robot character got paid $15 million dollars to star, and only utters 700 words throughout the entire movie. That's an average of $21,429 per word.

    Entertainment; Movies
  • Taxi Driver

    Robert DeNiro's most iconic moment as Travis Bickle - "You talkin' to me?" - was improvised from a single line in Paul Schrader's screenplay, which says: Bickle speaks to himself in the mirror. This would later be one of the most famous line in movie history.

    Entertainment; Movies
  • Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino Blended Coffee

    Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino Blended Coffee is made out of Coffee blended with four kinds of caramel, milk and ice topped with a layer of dark caramel sauce, whipped cream, caramel drizzle and crunchy sugar topping.

    Beverages; Coffee
  • Caffè Mocha

    A couple shots of espresso with chocolate added into it and a whipped cream on top.

    Beverages; Coffee
  • Caffè Latte

    A caffè latte is simply a shot or two of espresso with steamed milk over it. Some prefer to add syrup or extra espresso to the recipe. Some maintain that it is entirely as it is.

    Beverages; Coffee
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