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  • dermatology

    Is literaly the study of the skin; the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the skin, hair, nails, oral cavity and genitalis; a field with both medical and surgical aspects.

    Medical; Medicine
  • skin

    The skin is the layer of tissue that covers the body; it is the largest organ of the body, with a total area of about 20 square feet.It's role is to protect against microbes and external elements(cold, heat, light, humidity, etc.), helps regulate body temperature, and also offers the sense of ...

    Anatomy; Surface anatomy
  • epidermis

    Is the outer layer of the skin; it is mostly made up of flat, scale-like cells called squamous cells, under these cells are round cells called basal cells. The deepest part of the epidermis contains melanocytes, cells that produce melanin, which gives the skin its color.

    Anatomy; Surface anatomy
  • dermis

    Is the layer of the skin that is situated beneath the epidermis; it contains blood and lymph vessels, hair follicles, and glands that produce sweat, which helps regulate body temperature, and sebum, an oily substance that helps keep the skin from drying out.

    Anatomy; Surface anatomy
  • hypodermis

    Also called the subcutaneous tissue is a layer of tissue that lies immediately below the dermis; it consists primarily of loose connective tissue and lobules of fat, but it also contains larger blood vessels and nerves than those found in the dermis.

    Anatomy; Surface anatomy
  • macules

    Are circumscribed alterations in skin color. The skin surface is neither elevated or depressed in relation to the surrounding skin. Macules may be of any size or color. White, brown, and red are the most common color changes seen in macules.

    Anatomy; Surface anatomy
  • pustule

    A pustule is a circumscribed elevation of the skin that contains a purulent exudate that may be white, yellow, or greenish-yellow in color.

    Anatomy; Surface anatomy
  • papule

    A papule is a solid, elevated lesion with no visible fluid which may be up to 0.5cm. in diameter. The elevation may be accounted for by metabolic deposits, infiltrates, or hyperplasia of cellular elements, etc.

    Medical; Medicine
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