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  • healthywealthytips- wheezing or asthma remedies

    Wheezing or Asthma refers to the rattling sound or the whistling sound heard while breathing from the chest, which is caused due to the obstruction in the air passage.

    Health care; Health care regulations
  • causes of asthma/wheezing

    "Asthma/Wheezing" exists or comes because of cold ie.,increase of water content in ones body.This is how the wheezing starts.. Then, does vadham ['arthritis'], pitham [ 'Bile'] bodied person get "Wheezing" or not? The answer is "YES". It just varies only in the symptoms. The results are ...

    Health care; Arthritis
  • arthritis symptoms for wheezing/asthma

    Vatham ['arthritis' ]symptoms: Dry cough, dry lips,can't with stand the pain of cough at front & back of the chest.It also causes hair fall, eye sight goes dull. They suffer a lot from the start till the "wheezing" comes down.

    Health care; Arthritis
  • bile symptoms for wheezing/asthma

    Pitham [ 'Bile'--a digestive juice manufactured by the liver] Symptoms:Will have too bad cough.While coughing a thick yellow colored chest cold (sputum) comes out.When they got to spit it out,they get throat burn,chest burn etc. From the start to the end of "wheezing" they suffer in pain of burn ...

    Health care; Arthritis
  • phlegm symptoms for wheezing/asthma

    Kaphvam ['phlegm' ]symptoms:Here they already have in-built cold within them naturally from the beginning.They are known as cold bodied people.

    Health care; Health care regulations
  • solve wheezing/asthma by panchakarma method

    If first two groups ['arthritis' & 'Bile' ] get wheezing it can be solved by giving oral intake of naturally available medicine. But if the third group gets "wheezing" it can be solved only by "panchakarma method" [Five Actions] ie., by giving them for loose stool[diarrhea], vomiting , enema, etc ...

    Alternative therapy; Ayurveda
  • asthma/wheezing inhalers

    Now-a-days, most of the common man and even children commonly and frequently use and readily keep with them is……….."INHALERS". This "INHALERS", contains steroids,which literally means "POISON". SO,EACH TIME YOU TAKE OR GIVE A "PUFF" YOU ARE INJECTING "POISON" INTO ONES IMMUNE SYSTEM. This ...

    Health care; Health care regulations
  • thippali/pippali/long pepper for wheezing/asthma

    Add thippali/PIPPALI ["Long Pepper or Piper Longum". Piper Longum-BOTANICAL NAME. Get piper longum herbs like piper longum seeds, piper longum roots, piper longum fruits and piper longum stems. Piper Longum is also known as long pepper] in water, boil and slightly cool it & give them sip by sip. By ...

    Alternative therapy; Homeopathy
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