Home > Blossary: 10 Best Tech Companies to Work for
Majority tech companies around the world are enjoying a comfortable position in the market today. With increasing demands for techies, attractive compensation packages and perks, friendly yet competitive work environment etc. there are many in the workforce wanting to be a part of the tech industry or seeking better opportunities. Here is a look at the latest top 10 best tech companies to work for.

Category: Technology

10 Terms

Created by: Sanket0510

Number of Blossarys: 22

My Terms
Collected Terms

As its name suggests, MINDBODY works to help small businesses grow, particularly in the realm of health and fitness.

Domain: Technology; Category: Information technology

Como seu nome sugere, MENSAGEIRAS trabalha para ajudar pequenas empresas a crescer, particularmente no domínio da saúde e fitness.

Domain: Technology; Category: Information technology

F5 Networks, Inc. is a multinational American company which specializes in Application Delivery Networking (ADN) technology that optimizes the delivery of network-based applications and the security, performance, availability of servers, data storage devices, and other network resources. It is headquartered in Seattle, Washington and has development, manufacturing, and sales/marketing offices worldwide.

Domain: Technology; Category: Information technology

F5 Networks, Inc. é uma empresa multinacional americana especializada em tecnologia de redes de entrega de aplicativos (ADN) que otimiza a entrega de aplicativos baseados em rede e a segurança, desempenho, disponibilidade de servidores, dispositivos de armazenamento de dados e outros recursos de rede. Ela está sediada em Seattle, Washington e tem escritórios de vendas/marketing, fabricação e desenvolvimento em todo o mundo.

Domain: Technology; Category: Information technology

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