Home > Blossary: Chinese Dynasties and History
A brief description of some of the dynasties and eras that sculpted modern China.

Category: History

9 Terms

Created by: afw823

Number of Blossarys: 10

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The Tang Dynasty was founded by Emperor Gaozu and lasted from 618-907 AD. The Tang Dynasty was considered a golden age for China with significant growth in arts, literature, and technology. Buddhism spread throughout the Tang Dynasty and became the most prominent religion. An underlying factor to the prosperity of the early Tang Dynasty was the creation of a strong centralized bureaucracy with efficient policies. Organized into Three Departments and Six Ministries separated to draft review and implement policies. Tangs prosperity was significant allowing its capital city to become the largest in the world at that time. Although from 860 onward the Tang dynasty began to decline from a series of inner rebellions.

Domain: History; Category: Chinese history

Tangi dünastia keiser Gaozu asutati ja kestis 618-907 AD. Tangi dünastia peeti a kuldaja Hiina kunsti, kirjanduse ja tehnoloogia olulist kasvu. Budismi levisid Tang dünastia ja sai silmapaistvamaid religioon. Varajane Tang dünastia õitsengu aluseks tegur oli tugev tsentraliseeritud bürokraatia tõhusa poliitika loomine. Organiseeritud kolme osakondade ja kuus ministeeriumide eelnõude läbivaatamine ja poliitika rakendamiseks eraldatud. Tangs heaolu oli märkimisväärne, mis võimaldab saada kõige maailmas sel ajal tema pealinn. Kuigi alates 860 edasi Tangi dünastia hakkas vähenema seeria sisemise ülestõusude.

Domain: History; Category: Chinese history

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