Home > Blossary: Top 10 Places to Visit on a Morocco Tour
Morocco is a modern Muslim country in North Africa. It has a coast on the Atlantic Ocean that reaches past the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean Sea. Morocco, also referred to as the Kingdom of Morocco, has international borders with Algeria to the east, Spain to the north (a water border through the Strait and land borders with two small Spanish cities, Ceuta and Melilla), and Mauritania to the south. For Westerners, Morocco holds an immediate and enduring fascination. Since it’s not possible to see everything on the first or even second trip we’ve selected The Top 10 Places Not to Miss when traveling to Morocco which will give you a taste of the country’s highlights: outstanding natural wonders, spectacular cities, history, culture and breathtaking architecture.

Category: Travel

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Created by: Marouane937

Number of Blossarys: 58

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還有沒有更好的證明,比戲劇性和令人驚歎的考古遺址的纏繞、 阿拉伯文 Walili) 位於中間的地圖集三十公里從梅克內斯摩洛哥,一次被羅馬人佔領。最近的城鎮是穆萊伊德里斯的偉大先知穆罕默德的孫子的名字命名。網站,這已被教科文組織自 1997 年以來,成為著名國外時,馬丁 · 斯科塞斯取得它功能的位置為他的電影基督最後的誘惑。 ...

Domain: Tourism & hospitality; Category: Tourist attractions

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