
"Dream big. Dream looming. Dream a force that is ...

Hello :) I'm Anna, and I'm a freelance translator from Poland. I love literature, writing and ...





My native language:

Polish (PL)

Other Languages:

Swedish (SV)

  • one true pairing

    Term "One True Pairing" (or OTP) refers to an author's preferred relationship pairing between certain characters within a fandom. Fans may have many pairings they support, even multiple OTPs in a single fandom for different sets of characters.

    Literature; Fiction
  • original character

    Original Character is a non-canon character created by the author that is featured prominently in the story. May be male or female, and either a major or minor character in comparison to the canon characters.

    Literature; Fiction
  • out of character

    Term Ouf of Character (or OOC) refers to the fact that the characterizations used by an author are not those established by canon standards. Personality development flaws may be deliberate or accidental, for the better or (more likely) detriment to the story.

    Literature; Fiction
  • fanon

    Common plot or character elements that were not established by the original source material, but are generally accepted to be true by the fans anyway. Fanon concepts have often become so prevalent in the fandom that their origins are no longer remembered.

    Literature; Fiction
  • headcanon

    Also known as "personal canon". Term refers to the personal beliefs or interpretations about canon that an author or reader makes to explain or account for some aspect of the actual canon. The headcanon itself, while not officially supported by the canon, tends also not to be actually ...

    Literature; Fiction
  • hurt/comfort

    Hurt/Comfort (or simply H/C) fanfiction refers to the presence of emotional or physical hurt of one character followed by emotional or physical comfort by another. A proper H/C story contains enough 'comfort' to equal or out-weigh the amount of 'hurt' experienced.

    Literature; Fiction
  • haitus

    Hiatus is a break of weeks or months between episodes of a television show, usually between seasons/series or over holidays. Authors may also take hiatuses from writing to prevent or recover from burning out. A hiatus does not mean the show or story is cancelled or abandoned, merely temporarily ...

    Literature; Fiction
  • fluff

    Term "fluff" refers to stories in which there is no angst or, often, any real plot either. Fluff fics tend to be short and sweet, with little to no depth, but often quite comforting to read.

    Literature; Fiction
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