
mind over matter. If you don't mind, then it ...




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Indonesian (ID)

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Chinese, Simplified (ZS); English (EN); German (DE)

  • Caramel Flan Latte

    Caramel Flan Latte starts with a shot of espresso and freshly steamed milk. And then add plenty of caramel flan and whipped cream. A dessert-inspired beverage for cold winter days.

    Beverages; Coffee
  • Cappuccino

    Cappucino has less milk than a latte and a stronger espresso flavor. To make it properly requires much skill and attentiveness. Arguably the most important part is frothing the foam to velvety perfection as the milk steams.

    Beverages; Coffee
  • Caffè Mocha

    A couple shots of Espresso with bittersweet mocha sauce and steamed milk added into it. Topped with sweetened whipped cream.

    Beverages; Coffee
  • Caffè Latte

    A caffè latte is simply a shot or two of espresso with steamed milk over it. Some prefer to add syrup or extra espresso to the recipe. Some maintain that it is entirely as it is.

    Beverages; Coffee
  • o rly

    O RLY is internet slang for "OH REALLY?" with implicit sarcasm. Since gaining traction through with usage on Internet forums, O RLY has become a popular deadpan response to any statement that is deemed either highly doubtful or obviously true.

    Language; Slang
  • 4 the lulz

    I Did it for the Lulz (also known as 4 the lulz) is a popular catchphrase used to express that one carried out a specific action for the sake of personal comic enjoyment. This is sometimes used to to explain why one has posted offensive, far-fetched or disgusting contents on image boards and ...

    Language; Slang
  • pew pew

    Pew Pew is an onomatopoeia commonly associated with the sound effect of laser-beam guns portrayed in popular sci-fi films, TV shows and video games. In the realm of massively multi-player games, "pew pew" has become synonymous with the verb to own, a leetspeak term often used to indicate one's ...

    Language; Slang
  • u mad?

    "U MAD?", sometimes written as "you mad?" or "u mad bro?", is a catchphrase that is often used in discussion threads to imply that someone is losing their temper during the course of an argument, sometimes taunting or baiting other posters into a flamewar. Due to the agitating nature of the phrase, ...

    Language; Slang
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