
mind over matter. If you don't mind, then it ...




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My native language:

Indonesian (ID)

Other Languages:

Chinese, Simplified (ZS); English (EN); German (DE)

  • Butthurt

    Butthurt is an online slang term used to describe a strongly negative or overemotional response. It is used to draw attention to a person who shows signs of being irritated due to a perceived insult, an unfavorable situation, or a lack of decent communication. On occasions, it can be also used to ...

    Language; Slang
  • Feels

    "Feels" is a shorthand for the word "feelings" that is used to describe an intense emotional response, such as sadness, excitement or awe. The term is also commonly associated with the phrase "right in the feels," which indicates that something has deeply affected the speaker.

    Language; Slang
  • cool story, bro

    "Cool Story, Bro" is a catchphrase often seen in image macros as a sarcastic response on message boards or in comments to posts that are deemed boring, pointless or too long to read (TL;DR).

    Language; Slang
  • Derp

    Derp is an expression associated with stupidity, much like the earlier forms of interjections like "duh" and "dur." In images the subject is typically portrayed with eyes that are pointed to each side and a caption that reads "DERP." The words "herp" and "derp" are often used in rage comics to ...

    Language; Slang
  • tldr

    Tl;dr is an abbreviation for 'too long; didn't read'. It's commonly used in discussion forums as a shorthand response to previous posts that are deemed unnecessarily long and extensive. Due to its indiscriminate and condescending usage by many, tl;dr is frequently considered as ...

    Language; Slang
  • dafuq

    Dafuq is an interjection typically used in reaction to that which makes no sense or provokes severe confusion. It is short for the colloquial phrase "[what] the f**k?" and written without capital letters, spaces and punctuation.

    Language; Slang
  • Sauce

    "Sauce" is a slang version of the word "source". It is used usually as a pleading request to someone who posted a claim, a picture or anything that raises interest but is unsourced/not complete. Its goal is to prove it, confirm it and to see more information/pictures/anything from the initial ...

    Language; Slang
  • over 9000

    "Over 9000" is a popular catchphrase derived from the Japanese manga anime series Dragon Ball Z that is typically used as an innumerable quantifier to describe a large number of something like "several", "lots", "butt loads" and even the metric "ass tonne".

    Language; Slang
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