
San Diego - CA

United States



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  • wonroom

    A studio apartment has only one room, so in Konglish people call simply refer to them as a wonroom.

    Home furnishings; General furniture
  • wipuh

    Wipuh is a Konglish version of the English word wife Since they don't use the f sound they substitute the p sound.

    Relationships; Romantic relationships
  • Walden

    Walden is one of Thoreau's best known books encompassing the idea of self sufficiency and man's ability to commune with nature.

    Printing & publishing; Books
  • verbal irony

    Verbal irony is when someone says one thing, but means another thing. Mark Antony's use of the word "honourable" is an example of verbal irony.

    Literature; Shakespeare
  • utopia

    Transcendentalists believed that a perfect world was possible. The term for a perfect world is utopia.

    Philosophy; General philosophy
  • utopia

    Transcendentalists believe that people could live in harmony with one another in a perfect land. The term for a perfect world is utopia.

    Literature; General literature
  • upbraid

    Similar to admonish upbraid is when someone scolds you sharply. The quote from the essay is, "Consider whether you have satisfied your relations to father, mother, cousin, neighbour, town, cat, and dog; whether any of these can upbraid you".

    Literature; General literature
  • unreal

    We have always known of things to be real, but until Shakespeare made it negative we had no way of expressing the, "unreal"

    Literature; General literature
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