Home > Blossary: Tesla Model S
Tesla Model S is the world's first electric sedan designed from the ground up as an electric car. Introduced in 2012, Model S provides a driving range of up to 300 miles and can accelerate from 0 to 60 in 5.6 seconds

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5 Terms

Created by: Chris2012

Number of Blossarys: 1

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A process to replace a spent battery with a fully charged one to bypass charging time for electric vehicles. The Tesla electric cars are designed to allow fast battery swapping within 90 seconds. All Tesla stations support batter swapping in addition to provide supercharging for Telsa sedan owners. Each swapping station stocks 50 batteries for customers without requiring reservations. The service is offered for the price of about 15 US gallons of gasoline at the time. Owners can pick up their battery pack fully charged on the return trip, which is included in the swap fee. Tesla also offers the option to keep the pack received on the swap and paying the price difference if the battery received is newer, or to receive the original pack back from Tesla for a transport fee.

Domain: Automotive; Category: Electric vehicle

Proses untuk mengganti baterai dengan yang terisi untuk memotong waktu pengisian untuk kendaraan listrik. Mobil listrik Tesla dirancang untuk memungkinkan baterai cepat menukar dalam 90 detik. Semua Stasiun Tesla mendukung adonan swapping selain untuk memberikan supercharging untuk Telsa sedan pemilik. Setiap stasiun yang menukar saham 50 baterai untuk pelanggan tanpa memerlukan reservasi. Layanan ini ditawarkan dengan harga sekitar 15 kita galon bensin saat itu. Pemilik dapat mengambil mereka baterai terisi penuh pada perjalanan pulang, yang sudah termasuk dalam biaya swap. Tesla juga menawarkan pilihan untuk menyimpan paket diterima di swap dan membayar selisih harga jika baterai menerima baru, atau untuk menerima paket asli kembali dari Tesla untuk biaya transportasi.

Domain: Automotive; Category: Electric vehicle

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